Arvilla was visiting mother when she died. We are so thankful that she stayed for the next week while we prepared for mother's funeral. She shared with me many little childhood stories that she remembered about their life on their Idaho farm. She helped me create mother's life story to be given at her service. This is a written copy of the story I told about my mother's memorable life. I have included two pieces written by two of mother's good friends, Christina Zandonatti and Shirley Lalli. (Remember to click on each page if you want to read the story)

Thank you also, to Margaret, Kevin and Kathy Richins. They have been dedicated to caring for Mom before she died. Thank you also for helping us to prepare for her final service.
I am so grateful for our good friends, Bob and Doretta Henshaw. They took the time to drive nine hours from Sacramento to Sisters, Oregon- to be with us during the week.
On this day, the Sisters Branch was full of long time friends and family. Mother wore a brand new temple dress. She had spent three years looking for this dress and hoped to wear it in the temple. I had the sweet experience, with some of her very dear friends, to dress her for this event. She looked beautiful for her final goodbye.
The service was well attended. There was a feeling of love and sadness over the loss of this grand lady. In some way, all the family participated. I gave her life story and Glen, her grandson, told about his life with her, especially the last few years while he has been living in her home. (I am sorry that I don't have a record of his talk, or the rest of the service because our tape recorder failed to record the entire event.)

What a joy, in the middle of our mission to Denmark, that we could come home for this special occasion- and see our dear friends, as well as some of our grandchildren and all of our children.
In all of the sadness, we have been truly blessed during this season of our lives.
In all the tragedy and sorrow, Heavenly Father fills in the gaps. For all of this, again, I am truly grateful.
Thank you, Bob and Doretta for connecting us to home with your thoughtful and unexpected visit.

Kathy Richins spoke about her memories of mom. Thank you for your kind words.
The music was beautiful. The grandchildren and great grandchildren sang "Families can be together forever." Lisa Smith and Trisha Liddell provided the fine music that mother had requested long before she passed away.
Some of mother's friends, who had become family through the years, brought us hope through their testimonies and prayers. Thank you again Phillip, President Nyle Head, and Jim Anderson for the extra loving care that you gave so generously to our Mother. Thank you to all the members of this exceptional Sisters Branch of the Church. You really know how to watch over your own.
It was a cold, sunny day waiting to snow until after we all met at the cemetary to say goodbye to mom. Her dear friend, Jim Anderson, dedicated her grave. Thank you, Jim, for your strength and for the sweet words that concluded our day with mom.
It was a pleasure to be with Arvilla during this time. She was a peaceful, kind reminder of our dear mom. It was a pleasure to be with all of you.

The Relief Society provided a lunch at the end of the day. Thank you for preparing for us- a place of comfort and rest after a long emotional day. It was a time to be together and enjoy the blessings of friends and family. A fine way to celebrate the life of our Mom and grandma.

What a dear group. I can't tell you how much I love and appreciate you all.
We were surrounded by flowers. In the middle is a bouquet sent from Nancy's work in Washington, DC.- Thank you all, for helping us to remember Margaret Parker Richins - on this day.

I hope that it was the grand finale that you had been waiting for, Mom. We will miss you so much. Thank you for the life that you gave us. Thank you for all the things that we have forgotten to thank you for. You have been well loved. Can't wait to see you again.

What a dear group. I can't tell you how much I love and appreciate you all.

I hope that it was the grand finale that you had been waiting for, Mom. We will miss you so much. Thank you for the life that you gave us. Thank you for all the things that we have forgotten to thank you for. You have been well loved. Can't wait to see you again.
Good bye for now, all my love, Belva
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