Thursday, March 12, 2009

A reunion in Roskilde - Carl meets a grateful friend

Our first weekend in Denmark, we were invited to attend church in a small ward in Roskilde (Ross-key-lah) about 45 minutes from Copenhagen. It is held in a charming little church with very friendly people. One of the women volunteered to translate for me the entire Relief Society lesson. I found out later that she was the Relief Society President (daughter in law to the woman that cornered Carl in the hall and discovered that he had a close connection to this family).
After the meeting we gathered in this beautiful chapel to chat with many of the members. Carl recorded this reunion: "At church, a sister came to me to inquire about when and where I was previously as a missionary. I learned that her father in law was a convert with his wife and three kids when I was in Kolding (Kal-ling) in 1959. I helped teach and confirm him, his wife, and the older son, as members of the church at that time. I also gave his youngest son a blessing (he was too young to be baptized). That son was the husband of the wife that was talking to me.)"
The Father of the family was John Leach Jorgansen. He has been faithful all these years. His wife, Astrid, passed away a few years ago. We met two of his grandsons who have both served missions, and both recently married in the temple. One of their wives was the Relief Society President of the Roskilde Ward. One of the grandsons said 'You are our spiritual father' because you helped convert our grandfather.'

We had been invited to dinner by a wonderful, very Danish, woman named "Sister Nielsen." This is her beautiful dinner table. Out of her kitchen window there was a great view of the many thatched roofed houses that we have seen in Denmark. We are surrounded by tradition and history. Every dish presented to us was carefully chosen. We had rice with peas, a sausage meat sauce, fruit salad and apple layered cake with whipped cream.

1 comment:

  1. are there way more coincidences in denmark than there are in the u.s? it's amazing how many connections you're making!!

    i'm loving all your pictures and stories!
