She loved being surrounded by friends and family. She reminded us to "Keep your life in balance and remember to smell the daisies."

The last few months of her life she put up her fall decorations, had her teeth fixed, had her regular health checkups, and prepared to settle in for the winter. There was a grand celebration at the beginning of fall. It was her 95th birthday. Her family collected a treasured scrapbook of pictures and letters of appreciation for her.
Her branch sisters had a wonderful party in honor of the oldest member of the branch. (Sister's Church Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints).
The garden club gave her a life time membership to the Garden Club (I think it costs $15.00 a year) and in the spring, they plan to plant a tree for her in the park.
She worried about not having enough energy to properly thank everyone who had given her so much kind attention. She carefully wrote this thank you letter and then, as if she knew that her time was short, she decided to leave some important thoughts for all of her loved ones to read. She closed with a simple testimony. Here is the note in her handwriting, and then I copied her text on the computer.. The last step that she wanted before she sent out her final thanks.
(to enlarge the text, click on each of the letters and they will be easy to read).

When mother died, these old friends stepped in to help us put together an unforgettable funeral, one that she had been thinking about since our father died a few years ago. She wanted to include all her good friends and family.
She wanted to remember her friends in the community. She wanted a display of the scrapbooks that she was so proud of- showing off all of her family. She was always way to proud of the little things that we did. I am sure that her friends grew very tired of hearing about us. Mother wanted a beautiful flute number and one of her favorite singers in the branch. She wanted to hear from the best Home Teacher in the world- her dear friend, Philip Britain. She wanted her family to share our memories of her. She even mentioned several times a song that she didn't want sung at her funeral. I wrote it down but could not remember what song it was. I hope that in the end, we avoided it. She said it sounded too much like funeral music. Mother never thought that she was old.

Here is her obituary as it was posted on their "NuggetNews.com" web page. (I added a few extra pictures- click on each page to read easily).

What wonderful posts. I know we will come here and read these to remember this wonderful, kind woman.